Edit custom hours for an invite
Last updated
Last updated
The availability for an invite allows you to select times you want to make available for invitees to book time with you. You have the option to set the availability using either your saved account availability or a set of custom hours.
Saved availability enables you to reuse your account availability times across multiple invites. This helps maintain consistency across invites and saves time by avoiding repetitive setup. For a team invite, this setting will combine the availability of all hosts on the invite. See this help article for more information on how to set up a saved availability: Setting account saved availability
Custom hours is ideal for one-off events or special occasions where your regular weekly hours don't apply.
To edit the custom hours for an invite:
1) Click the pencil icon on an invite to edit the existing invte
2) Click on 'Next' to go to the 2nd page where the time availability section is present
3) Select "Custom hours." Selecting the "Saved availability" option will make the invite automatically sync availability with your saved account availability setting. Selecting the "Custom hours" option will allow you to set the availability for this just this invite.
4) When setting "Custom hours" availability, set recurring weekly availabilities on the left hand side. Add any date specific availabilities to the right hand side - any date specific setting here will override the corresponding weekly hour. If you do not want to show any availability for the date, clear the time intervals for that date.
5) 🎉Voila! your invite is edited with new times and can be shared with your invitees.