Google Analytics
The Google Analytics integration allows you to track visits and actions on your zcal scheduling pages. Note that zcal only supports Google Analytics 4. We do not support Universal Analytics, which was deprecated by Google in 2023.
Events sent by zcal
zcal sends the following events to Google Analytics along with the data parameters event_category and event_label, which represent the invite id for an invite page and the custom slug associated with an invite or profile page, respectively.
Views the profile page
Views the invite page
Submits the invite page form
Successfully scheduled an event
Adding the Google Analytics integration
To get started, you'll need a Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID. Learn how to find your Measurement ID.
Open the Account Integrations page and click the Connect button next to Google Analytics.
A dialog will open. Enter your Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID in the dialog text field and submit.
To confirm your integration is working, open your zcal invite page and complete a test booking. You should see the events appear immediately under the Events section in the Google Analytics Realtime report. Learn more about the Realtime report.
Removing the Google Analytics integration
Open the Account Integrations page and click the menu button to the right of the Google Analytics integration.
Click the Disconnect menu option.
Last updated