Getting Started

zcal streamlines the process of booking meetings by integrating with your existing calendars and allowing others to schedule appointments based on your availability. Here's how to get started:

Sign up and connect your calendar

  1. Sign up with your Google or Microsoft login (recommended) or with an email address.

  2. Follow the security prompts to connect zcal account with your chosen calendar platform. You must check all the permission checkboxes in order for zcal to accurately reflect your availability and prevent double bookings.

Setup your calendar

  1. Connect additional work and personal calendars on the account calendars page. This allows zcal to check your availability and prevent double-booking.

  2. Choose which calendars you want zcal to check when determining your availability by adding them to your list of read calendars.

  3. Choose which calendar you want zcal to add events to by setting it as your write calendar.

  4. Set your available hours and time zone on the saved availability page. The hours you choose are shared across all your invite links. You can set Weekly Hours which repeat every week, as well as Date-Specific Hours, which are one-time exceptions to your normal routine.

Connect video conferencing

If you plan to use video conferencing for your meetings:

  1. Connect your preferred video conferencing tool (e.g., Zoom) on the account integrations page.

  2. Select the integrated tool as the location when editing your invite link.

Invite links are meeting templates that you'll use repeatedly to book meetings. We've provided 2 invite links to get you started. You can edit these or create your own. Here's how to set one up:

  1. From the zcal Home page, click the + New Link button.

  2. Choose One-on-One for a meeting between you and one other person.

  3. Here are the most important settings to be aware of:

    • Name: Give your event a clear, descriptive title so invitees know the purpose of the meeting.

    • Duration: Set the length of the meeting.

    • Location: Specify how and where the meeting will take place (e.g., in-person, phone, or video call). Select Zoom or Google Meet to automatically generate meeting links.

  4. Configure additional settings such as:

    • Buffer time: block time before or after meetings.

    • Minimum notice: how much advanced notice is required before an event.

    • Custom hours: use a different set of hours than your saved availability.

    • Custom Questions: gather additional information from your invitees before the meeting (e.g., "What is the purpose of this meeting?").

Customize your invite page

zcal provides a wide array of customization options to help you nail the perfect look for your scheduling page. If you haven't done so already, you can:

  1. Customize your theme: select the font and colors that best represent your brand.

  2. Add a story image or video to your invite page.

Book a test meeting

Once your invite link is set up, book a meeting with yourself to see how the process works. If everything worked correctly, you should see the booked event appear on your calendar.

Share your invite link with others. They'll be able to see your available times and book a slot that works for them, automatically adjusting for time zones.

Last updated